Barcelona Impressions

Catalan flags often flew from balconies during the summer of 2018 and, together with language, political fliers, and a chance encounter with Barcelona giants, provided an immersive experience of Catalan identity. The toy replica of a human tower in the lower right is a castell, Catalan for castle. Castellers assemble and compete during festivals. Gaudí's Excelsis Tower from Sagrada Familia is in the right center foreground photographed from the height of the towers. Arthurium blooms from the Mercat de la Concepció flower market occupy the top and bottom right corners and generally symbolize hospitality and abundance. Multiple architectural sites designed by Antonin Gaudí are juxtaposed: from Casa Battló, Casa Mila and Casa Vicens. The red arched window (Passatgede Madoz) adds a gothic element as does the tracery in the filigreed tower (Casa Santuce) on the upper left designed by the architect Miquel Martorell i Rius. Casa Josefa Villaneuva by Julio Maria Fossas Martínez (lower right) is represented by one of two towers from the 1909 modernist home. $6000 35h x 36w